Andrei Vasilevskiy

Welcome to this edition of Lightning Strikes, a series featuring quotes and comments from players, coaches, management, journalists, and fans alike concerning the Tampa Bay Lightning. This ongoing column aims to capture a slice of the existing outlook, attitudes, and culture surrounding the team. The Lightning came from their one-week break and picked up two victories over
Hindsight is great because it allows us to look back at events and determine if the correct decisions were made. 10 years later and it is clear there were some misses in the 2012 NHL Draft including the top four selections. Now that we know how these players turned out, here is a re-draft of
In Steel Town, USA, Hockey fans look back on May 26 with a great amount of fondness. In addition, this date was a big one for coaching changes in the National Hockey League, and it also saw the start of a new tradition after winning the Stanley Cup. Let’s begin our daily journey through the