Martin Gendron, who worked for Flyers general manager Chuck Fletcher when he was the Minnesota GM, has joined the Flyers as an amateur scout. In addition, Fletcher hired Angelo Rice, formerly with the Sabres staff, as a skills coach, and Vincent Yula was named an assistant video coach. … Twarynski took a one-week break from summer workouts and traveled to Vegas with his brother, Brayden, to watch a UFC fight. “He’s been into that for a while,” Twarynski said of his brother. “He’s been working full time, and he’s training for military purposes, so I don’t get to see him a whole lot, and it was nice to get out there and take my mind off hockey a little bit and be with him.”… Rookie camp, featuring 28 prospects, starts at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in Voorhees. It is free and open to the public.
Twarynski is hoping to beat the odds
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